- 2nd highest total assessed value in DuPage county with a total of almost $21.4 BILLION dollars in market value – an increase of approximately 4.9% from the previous year.
- We maintain accurate information on the more than 46,000 parcels in the township.
- Our 2018 major street improvement project was in various subdivisions’.
- In Westlands we upgraded all the drainage, replaced concrete curb where needed and milled the road and did a 2” asphalt overlay.
- In Flowerfield which also included Harding Road we upgraded all they drainage, installed an 18” concrete curb and a 2” asphalt overlay.
- We contracted American Road Maintenance to seal coat our Chambord subdivision in Oak Brook, with GSB-88 sealant.
- This past year we purchased a new John Deere 30-G mini-excavator and a used 2005 Elgin Crosswind street sweeper which is a major upgrade from our old 1990 street sweeper.
- With our wood chip program, we remove dead trees out of our right-of-way, and have emergency pick-ups from storm damage. May through October we have brush pick up for our residents. Residents can help themselves to free woodchips located at the corner of Westmore/Meyers and 14th We also have our free delivery program. We deliver woodchips twice a year, once in spring and again in the fall. Contact the Highway Department if you would like to be put on the list.
- Our General Assistance clients receive monthly government grants. The clients that are given these grants are either job searching, or waiting for their Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income applications to be approved.
- We helped 296 families in 2018 with emergency assistance. Most of these emergencies are for rental assistance, utility disconnection notices and prescriptions.
- Each August we participate in “The Back to School Fair” sponsored by Catholic Charities where children receive back packs and school supplies.
- Over the Holidays we helped 136 families with 343 children through our “Christmas Adopt A Family Program” and “Toys For Tots” programs.
- We helped a total of 390 families with the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, better known as “Li Heap”. This program is to assist qualifying residents with their gas and electric bills.
- Last year, our York Township Food Pantry served 1,611 families, which consist of 4,551 people.
- We receive two deliveries per month through the Northern Illinois Food Bank. For the last year we received 90,512 pounds of food, of which our shared cost was $7,278.00 that averages out to about .08 cents per pound. All food is purchased with donated funds, no tax dollars are used.
- York Township Hall is also an outreach site for SNAP, which stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps. A representative from the Northern Illinois Food Bank comes to our facility quarterly to take applications for this program.
- We operate our extensive senior nutrition program in conjunction with DuPage Senior Citizens Council, a non-profit agency. We employ a staff of 2 full time cooks, and 1 full time kitchen helper. The council also provides two staff people to oversee the dining center activities and meal distribution.
- Last year we served over 40,000 meals including our community dining center and home delivered hot meals, frozen meals, and cold-sack lunches, otherwise known as “Meals on Wheels”.
- Our Transportation Department provided a total of 8,131 rides to Seniors 55 and over. 4,402 of these were medical.
- Our fleet consists of 5 sedans, and one wheelchair accessible bus, which can accommodate 8 seated passengers and 2 wheel chairs.
- We have door-to-door scheduled rides, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Seniors can make reservations a maximum of 2 weeks to a minimum of 5 working days in advance.
- Our Senior Center members enjoy weekly social actives including card and dice games, woodcarving, and quilting clubs, as well as yoga, art, line dancing, Zumba, Tai Chi, and Yuan Ji classes.
- Almost every Tuesday there is a free movie along with free popcorn.
- Other services for our seniors include a barber, beautician, and twice monthly free blood pressure checks, free internet access in our library, we also have a medical lending closet.
- Each year we partner with AARP to offer free income tax preparation for our seniors. This past tax season we helped 583 seniors prepare their returns.
- The Senior Center offers many informational seminars, and referral services including Legal Aid, Rules of the Road and Smart Driving classes.
- We are a SHIP Site. Which means we have Senior Health Insurance Program coordinators on site that can help answer Medicare questions.
This administration will continue to strive to improve the quality of life for all residents of York Township.