Brush pickup is a service to residents in the unincorporated areas. It takes place from May through October. Following the guidelines below will help expedite the service. Please scroll below to see pickup dates.
Branches should be on the parkway by 7 a.m. on the first full week of the month through October. Brush must not be placed on the parkway any earlier than the Saturday before the scheduled Monday pickup. Please do not bring it out after the truck has passed. It will not be picked up until the next monthly scheduled pickup.
"Brush" is defined as trimmings from bushes or shrubs, as well as branches from trimming or pruning trees. Not considered to be brush are logs, stumps, thorn bushes, grass clippings, small twigs, evergreen trimmings, flowers, weeds, lumber, or anything in plastic bags or other such containers. If it can be bagged, it is yard waste, and your garbage service will haul that away for nominal cost. Cutting down a tree does not fall within the guidelines for brush, and the service is not available to contractors or residents clearing lots for development.
Please do not throw your brush into a tangled heap, and do not pile too high. All brush placed on the parkway for pickup must be securely bundled with twine, not wire, and each bundle shall not exceed 18 inches in diameter. Brush must be cut in lengths up to six (6) feet and no larger than four(4) inches in diameter. Anything over four inches in diameter should be cut into fireplace-length logs, which can be left at the edge of the road for your neighbor's fireplace.
Storm Damage - Normally the week of a severe storm, the Township will start brush pickup to remove debris under the usual guidelines. Should a tree come down during a storm, it is the responsibility of the homeowner for its disposal.
The Township is not reimbursed by DuPage County for the cost of these services, and we ask your cooperation in following the guidelines to help us continue to provide them.